Sciencemr. Slack's 3rd Grade Language Arts


Dear Parents/Guardians of the Middle School Students,

Over these next two weeks, it is important for students to continue to exercise their minds. Teachers are assigning their students work to do every day. Students will receive Math, Language Arts, Social Science and Science work either through google classroom or given a packet of work that will need to be turned in. If the teachers are assigning work to do over google classroom, assignments will be graded daily and turned in through google classroom. There are also lessons that will be given on Khan Academy that will need to be finished every week and turned in. For extra support, students will also be given links to youtube videos that help explain the content that we will be learning. Each student should expect at least 2-3 hours of work each day.

Parents if you need to contact me, I am accessible through my email at, as well as my google number 331-308-0181.
My office hours will be from 10am-12pm and then 1pm- 2pm, these are the times I will answer any emails or phonecalls from parents.

Many of the assignments that are going to your students through google classroom, Khan Academy, Scholastic ScienceWorld and Newsela will be self-grading, which means they will get immediate feedback.

If a student requires a Chromebook to go home with them, they will be receiving a new Columbus Chromebook Student Responsibility Contract laying out the expectations for using the school Chromebooks at home. If anything does happen to the Chromebook, the students will be liable for the damages caused. If you have any questions about this contract, please contact either Mr. Pienkowski or Mrs. Oleksy.
Newsela Articles that will be read by the students for science:
They will do the quiz at the end of each reading.

Day 1: Forces on an airplane/ The problem with superman and other physics
Day 2: Forces on a baseball
Day 3: The definition of force in physics

Day 4: What are Newton’s Laws of Motion? link to help understand newtons laws
Day 5: Newton’s third law
Day 6: The physics of a car collision
Day 7: How to build a balloon-powered car
Day 8: Four forces on a rocket
Day 9: A history of rockets
Day 10: A downhill rolling race
Khan Academy lessons to be finished by the end of the two weeks.

Newtons laws of motion
Forces and Newtons laws of motion: Quiz 1
Balanced and Unbalanced forces

Physics-related youtube videos and activities to do at home - why you dont want super strength - why you dont want super speed - never do a superhero landing

Please make sure your students are doing the daily assignments as it is layed out above.
Please contact me for any questions.
LanguageSciencemr. Slack3rd grade science free

The standards listed below have been replaced by a newer set of standards.

Please go to Current 3rd Grade Language Arts Standards for current resources.

3rd grade language arts standards

Third Grade Language Arts games focus on the parts of speech, such as prepositions, coordinating conjunctions, and possessive pronouns. These parts of speech tend to be confusing for some children, as they move from the basic nouns and pronouns to the more complex parts of speech. These enticing games provide hours of educational learning along. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. L.3.4.A Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.

3rd Grade Language Arts Pdf

Oral Language/Decoding

  1. Circus Builder - Gather up acts for a three-ring circus by finding matching vowel sounds. Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the given word. (rhyming words)
  2. Memory Cards - Here's a memory card game with a twist - match pairs of rhyming words.
  3. Rhymes - from Little Animals Activity Centre - Digby Mole's Word games (choose level 1, 2, or 3)
  4. Rhyming Words - select a locdation and then click on the word that rhymes
  5. Rhyming Words - match the words in the squares.
  6. Welcome to Alpine Ski Lodge - For each given word, you will be given a list of three words and asked to select the one with the same vowel sound as the letter pair (in red) in the given word. (rhyming words)
  7. Wizards and Pigs: Episode I Poetry Pickle - students identify rhyme, rhythm, and alliteration
Distinguish individual sounds including consonant blends within words.
  1. Blends - Click on the blend that begins or ends the picture name
  2. Consonant Blends & Digraphs - Have you ever needed a list of words and couldn't find it? Here are some groups of words to keep for handy reference. (bl- through wh-)
  3. Even More Consonant Blends! - Use your dictionary to add 3 more words which begin with the same consonant blend as the example. (a worksheet to print)
  4. Hangman Consonant Blend (Spelling List #3) - an interactive game from Quia (Note: hints are given so students are not just guessing blind.)
  5. Phonics Endings Level 2
  6. Spelling - Consonant Blends - If you make lists of words starting with these blends, you will get accustomed to hearing them and recognizing the patterns. (a worksheet to print)
  7. Two Letter Ending Consonant Blends - multiple-choice exercise
Recognize the parts of a book (e.g., table of contents, and glossary).
  1. Chapter Headings - lesson online with exercises for practice
  2. Chapter Headings Quiz - online quiz
  3. Explore the parts of a book - Click on each of the pictures on this page to learn more about that part of the book.
    1. After you finish exploring the parts of a book go to Who Am I to see how much you know!
  4. Make Your Own Book - There are many fabulous books that you can make all by yourself. Let your imagination run wild with some simple, step-by-step instructions, with illustrations, to show you how to make some very creative and very fun books!
  5. Stories - animated stories to be read online
  6. Parts of a Book - online quiz
  7. Title of a Book - lesson online with exercises for practice
  8. Using the Parts of a Book - a worksheet from Teach-nology
  9. Using an Index for Information - a worksheet from Teach-nology
  10. Using an Index - lesson online with exercises for practice
  11. Using a Table of Contents - a worksheet from Teach-nology
Identify setting, characters, and plot in a reading situation.
  1. Cartoon Fill-ins - Create your own cartoon by filling in the form
  2. Children's Stories, courtesy of Whootie Owl - Select your category of stories and read a story. Students can write story elements to discuss as whole class.
  3. Reading Comprehension stories - interactive quizzes online for 2 stories
  4. Setting Match - match the setting with the place.
  5. Setting Match - match the time of day with the setting.
  6. Story Elements - on-line interactive lesson - could be used for whole class activity.
Recognize root words and their various inflections (walks, walking, walked).
  1. Root Words - Underline the root words in the slides. Circle the prefix or suffix.
  2. Rooting Out Words - Help Remainder the Dog gather enough mushrooms to sell at the market by uncovering the roots of words. (three categories, several difficulty levels - from FunBrain)
  3. Root Word Quizzes - Three levels
  4. Root Word Quiz - match words with their roots
  5. Root word quiz - match word with its root
  6. Fish Tank Game - Type the root, suffix and or prefix to create a Fish Tank.
  7. Root Words - Fact Sheet to share with students
  8. Dinosaur Root Word Activity - Learn about Dinosaurs and root words together.
  9. Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Word - PDF worksheets and also online activities
Released tests
  1. Texas end-of-year reading test from 2003
  2. Texas end-of-year reading test from 2004
  1. The FCAT Sample Test Books are designed to help students become familiar with FCAT (Florida) by providing helpful hints and offering practice answering questions in different formats. Half of this document is math and half is reading.
  2. FCAT Sample Reading Test - [2008] sample questions and test taking tips
  3. FCAT Sample Answer Book - [2008]

Sciencemr. Slack's 3rd Grade Language Arts Worksheets

site for teachers | PowerPoint show | Acrobat document | Word document | whiteboard resource | sound | video format| interactive lesson | a quiz | lesson plan | to print